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UI pattern: Hover and Switch

I’m sure others have already found a better label for this, but there’s an interesting UI pattern which I call [[Hover and Switch]]. An active area of the client window (e.g. a tab bar) controls the content of the client window (e.g. a browser window). But instead of having to click on an item in the active area, hovering over it for a certain duration of time (e.g. 100 ms) causes the client area to change. Now that the switch has been triggered, simply moving your mouse in the client area causes further switches without any delay. (A similar mechanism is used for showing info bubbles or “speed tips” in many applications.)

This UI pattern is used, for example, by the Tabbrowser Preferences extension to ease browser tab navigation in Firefox: no more clicking required. I can see few reasons not to apply it to taskbar navigation, console tab navigation, preferences navigation, and many similar situations. A problem is, of course, that you may sometimes accidentally cause the switch to trigger. So this kind of pattern can only be used where an accidental switch can never be problematic. In any case, the reduced amount of mouse clickery in my opinion more than compensates for the occasional accidental switch, the likelihood of which is greatly reduced with the time delay.

In fact, after enabling this extension, I found myself hovering over console tabs and taskbar buttons in the expectations that they would switch in the same way. When a user interface is so effective that it changes your expectations in other applications, it deserves a closer look.

One seemingly related idea is to use the scrollwheel to navigate the active area. KDE does this for many of its tabs and task switchers (try it in Konqueror or in the tasklist). The scrollwheel navigation is useful when you want to quickly view the content of a large subset of possible client areas, e.g. cycle through all browser windows. The Hover and Switch approach also allows this – simply move the mouse to the left left or right – while at the same time making it possible to precisely select the client area you wish to view.

Web skeletons: Sites you can flesh out

Instead of implementing an idea for a new web application yourself, you could create what I call a [[web skeleton]]: a site which gives visitors the knowledge and the toolset to collaboratively implement a given vision. Wikis are obviously good for knowledge-oriented applications. JotSpot seeks to create application construction kits on top of wiki technology. Ning, on the other hand, focuses specifically on social networking, and also allows users to post “ads” looking for people willing to implement a certain vision.

The combination of a well-defined mission statement with a sandbox and a large number of modules that can easily be tied together could lead to rapid innovation. What feature set will a massively collaborative website construction kit have to provide? [[edit:Web skeleton|Edit the wiki page]] and add your thoughts.

PictureFight: Gaming for free content

What makes games addictive? The better our answer to that question becomes, the more likely we are to crack that one mystifying puzzle: human motivation. Successful social networks tend to be similar to games in many ways. For example, the notion of experience is very important in role-playing games: a character advances over time and becomes more powerful. This is something I will come back to in future posts on the topic of motivation.

One idea which I already scribbled down before the launch of this blog is [[PictureFight]]. The goal here is to create an environment that produces unique, free (Creative Commons) photos with good metadata. While there are many photo sharing services that appeal to people who enjoy taking photos as a hobby, the PictureFight concept is meant to attract people more interested in playing games and participating in contests. Players submit free photos, which are then rated by a non-participating jury. Players can then fight each other, where the unique attributes of their photos (including metadata) are taken into account. See the wiki description for more details.

PictureFight could be substantially more complex than [[w:Songfight]], which is a simple poll-based approach where voters choose a song favorite for a given title. Simplicity is, of course, often an advantage, so the simpler Songfight approach might also be very workable for pictures.

This idea is underdeveloped and is therefore classified as a “stub”. Perhaps someone with experience with [[w:Magic: The Gathering|Magic]] and similar “battle card games” could comment and expand it.

[[PictureFight|View and edit this idea in the wiki]].

Building the future

Welcome to the Intelligent Designs blog. In this blog, I will try to highlight ideas and essays which I find interesting. Some will be small, some will be big. Some will be my own, and some will be those of others. Some ideas will be years from implementation, while some will already exist in some form. Generally, however, I want to highlight that which does not yet exist yet. At least at first, most ideas will be from the area of computer applications and social networks.

The blog is intimately tied to the wiki, where we can try to develop ideas together which I post about on the frontpage. Currently, this blog is a one man show, but I hope that it can grow into a more collaborative project over time. I do not promise daily updates, but I do hope that the updates that will come will be worth reading and original. If you want to follow this blog, I suggest using an aggregator application or sevice and importing the RSS feed.

Why did I start the blog and wiki? Primarily because I want to have a place where I can quickly scribble down ideas, announce them, and give others a chance to develop them further. Whether this is useful or not remains to be seen.

Beyond ideas, there will be occasional in-depth analysises of specific topics. The first page that was published on the wiki is the article [[Licenses/NC|”The Case for Free Use: Reasons Not to Use a Creative Commons -NC License”]]. This article, which now exists in English, Spanish, and German, has received much discussion, and I am pleased with how it has evolved. Analysis like this can, I believe, greatly aid in the formulation of new ideas. (In this case, I hope that we will eventually arrive at a clearer definition of the term free content.)

Enjoy your stay, and for now, when you want to contact me, use that old-fashioned method of sending me an e-mail: moeller AT scireview DOT de.


Erik Möller