Oh No Robot: Web Comic Transcription and Search

This one is unexpected. Oh No Robot is a search engine where users transcribe web comics, and you can then search the transcribed text. Surprise: It actually works. In less than 7 days, they have managed to add over 7000 transcriptions. This once again shows that users are willing to add value to a free service if they are provided with easy to use tools to do so.

For comics which have joined the program, you will occasionally see little buttons like this at the bottom:

If you click the button, you can enter a transcription:

The artist can moderate the incoming transcriptions. Oh No Robot then indexes these transcriptions and makes them searchable. A very cool idea; sadly, the added transcriptions are not available under a free license. What is it good for? Finding comics you vaguely remember is the most obvious application. But I think if this scales, it’s quite likely that commercial services for licensing comics on certain topics will be built on it; finding editorial cartoons on certain topics is one example.

Alas, it’s unlikely that Google Print will add anything similar to its scanned pages soon ;-). (Actually, Google Print is vulnerable to distributed transcription or OCR attacks, which is why Google does not index all pages of copyrighted books — a subset always remains unavailable to all users.)

I think these kinds of ideas could be collected on a new page called “[[edit:Distributed work|distributed work]]” in the wiki.


  1. Personally, I love the idea of distributed work. Specifically, how these kinds of features might be used in software to collectively draft budget and policy.

  2. I think something similar should be done with tv and movies.
    Movies have scripts you can use, while tv’s have teletext captions that could be used.
    Just a matter of using what data is already available.

    I am not sure if I am clear enough. I am NOT saying _people_ should type
    out movie scripts. I _am_ saying people should use movie scripts that are already available. Last time I tried, I had no problem finding scripts for movies — not sure of the copyright status though… And tv need not be typed out either. Teletext captions exist for deaf people, but I am not sure if they are available online. It would be cool if they were…

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